Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Surreal Showgirl Weekend
Our other major activity during the weekend (besides the breakfast buffet at the Westin and dim sum) was to go to the Dalí exposition as mentioned below. It was far different from what I'd expected. First of all, the space at the Boijmans van Beuningen (BvB) is gorgeous. Not completely unlike the large gallery at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, though I'd venture to guess that the BvB is larger. What was unexpected about the exposition is that it wasn't just a collection of unrelated works. It was a study of Dalí's forets into the popular culture of his time through film, theater, fashion, commercials, photography, etc. Though mostly remembered for his surreal paintings of melting clocks and the like, he also collaborated with greats like Walt Disney, Luís Buñuel, and Federico García Lorca to create stunning surreal visual fantasies, whether on stage of on celluloid. Very much worth the €12 entrance fee. See http://www.alldali.org/ENG/ENG_index.php for more info.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Miss Minogue on the Maas
Kylie's personal message especially for us:
"Showgirl is not only a celebration of pop songs and my career, but of a long time relationship with my audience. This is my way to say thank you and to share some of the most important moments of my journey so far, a trip down memory lane. It's been so much fun putting the show together. The set list was the starting point and the biggest challenge was to represent my finest records and also my personal favourites. The show has taken just under a year to design and build, but it has been a lifetime in the making. I hope you enjoy this special evening!"
Props to you girl for always keeping it real and
congrats on your Billboard Number 1 Dance Breakout hit, Workout!
Friday, March 25, 2005
Justin's Life - Blog Before Blogs
In the last several years, the word BLOG has raged into global consciousness as if the concept had never existed before. But it did.
Long before the guy in Iraq, there was a young gay southern kid named Justin Clouse (right) who started his blog more than 10 years ago (though he just called it a journal)! Struggling with his life, relationships and college (as we all did), he started keeping an online journal that eventually turned into http://www.justinslife.com/. Though he stopped in order to focus on his life in the real world a few years ago, he was one of the pioneers of blogging. And what he did back then is not at all different from what’s happening today. Simply a normal, everyday guy sharing his thoughts and feelings (and obsession with red heads!) with the world.
Don’t know where he is or what he’s up to these days, but hats off to him for being an early and gutsy blog pioneer!
Reality TV, the Human Psyche & Politics
- Survivor
- American Idol
- Pop Idol (UK)
- The Apprentice (U.K. & U.S)
- Extreme Makeover (with my old college friend Sam!)
- Extreme Makeover Home Edition
- Fame Academy (BBC)
- Etc. etc. etc.
Has our way of living our lives and expressing ourselves become so "civilized" (read: sterile), that we are all subconsciously longing for some passionate and honest expression? Especially in the American society I come from, I think there's high value placed on the ability to avoid conflict. And I think that's so unnatural that we're starting to see it start to burst out at the seems because of it being too confined. Political discourse is becoming increasingly vitriolic and uncivilized, despite the fact that it's perfectly possible to passionately express one's opinion and disagreement without being mean about it. And worse yet, American's are responding to Islamic fanaticism with their own brand of right-wing Christian nationalist fanaticism. Like that's going to solve anything! But I digress...
With our small little unexciting lives of going to and from work, dropping the kids off at soccer and paying our bills, I think Reality TV has become the new way to live more exciting lives vicariously through others. Perhaps instead we should direct our energy at actually HAVING exciting and adventurous lives instead of having to witness them by proxy on TV.
Terri Schiavo & the Christian Right
What astounds me even more is the U.S. and Florida governments thinking they have the right to fiddle with in the private and excruciatingly difficult decisions made between a husband and wife! That's not exactly what I call the Republican ideal of "small government".
I'm especially vexed by the amount of effort they (government = Christian Right) put into saving the life of someone who's already half-dead in the name of "the sanctity of life" when they put an equal amount of energy into making the life of gays and lesbians a living hell. Their war cry is "God decides when we're born, and He decides when we die!". George Bush apparently has an exemption from this rule, as he sends thousands of soldiers off to an untimely demise and condemns hundreds of thousands of civilians to needless deaths.
Instead of focusing their energy on the half-dead and the unborn, why don't these idiots open their eyes and see the real suffering of the living, breathing human beings around them (much of which they are directly responsible for!).
First Entry
Another reason to be doing this is purely therapeutic. My life is complex, especially my relationships, and I think this would be a good way to blow of some steam now and again and help me sort out my thoughts. And if I can help/entertain someone else in the meantime, then even better.