Thursday, May 10, 2007


At 10:30 this morning, my opthamologist will do a Lasek touch-up treatment to take me the rest of the way to 20/20 - hopefully. I started out with -6.5/-7 corrections, and am now at -0.25 - -0.50 in each eye. This happens in 10-15% of all Lasek operations, especially with large corrections like I had. Luckily touch-ups are free.

What they aren't is pleasant. I will essentially go through the same exact experience I went through last time, which was no fun to say the least. Bearable, but a serious pain. 5 days off work, burning/watering in my eyes, huge contact lens-like bandages in my eyes for 4 days. Worth the investment, but not something you really want to do twice.

Wish me luck, and I'd relaly appreciate it if friends and family would give me a call this week to check in on me, since I'm not going to be able to look up phone numbers very easily.

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