- House not sold yet, very little interest due to the housing market being almost frozen due to consumer fear and tighter mortgages. We're working closely with the realtor to figure out the correct strategy, but we still have a fair amount of time to get it sorted out.
- Preparations for new house are overwhelmingly complex. We of course want to do far more than our available budget would actually allow. So we'll have some difficult choices to make and will have to put some things off. Not really a surprise.
- Turning 40 this week! Having a small dinner tonight at the local Chinese restaurant. I asked people not to bring gifts, just to pay for their own meals. Yet certain people (to remain unnamed) are not attending because they feel strongly that I should pay for them. I'm furious; cheap-ass cloggies. Not that I have strong feelings about this. I'll focus on the gratitude I feel for the people who are there, because there are some great people coming!
- I'm going home to the U.S. for my real birthday and Thanksgiving. Stopping by D.C. to see my dear friend, Gail, on the way for an evening, then proceeding to Des Moines. Will also pop down to Missouri to see my brother and his wife. Looking forward to a relaxing and chilled-out 10 days. Will then spend Christmas at home with Wilbert for the first time ever... time to start some new traditions here.
- Work is insane. I started a new job just a month ago, but circumstances within the company have them asking me to consider doing something else. It's a difficult decision - lots of pro's and con's to each side - and all the variables are not yet known, so I won't make my decision until they are.
- Wilbert is the usual fabulous sweetheart he always has been. We went shopping in Amsterdam last Sunday with Peter and Alp and dropped by Lush, our favorite hand-made bath products shop, and lamented yet again that they had discontinued our favorite Red Rooster soap, made from orange juice, cloves and cinnamon. We then each went and independently ordered it online to surprise each other without knowing, and now have enough of the stuff to start our own Lush shop in Purmerend. How sweet! :-)
- My sister Heidi's kids continue to grow like weeds and look gorgeous, though Cristian is now going through his terrible two's about 9 months early, probably because of the arrival of his new sister, Lauren Sofia. Poor little guy! I'm grateful that I get to see them on Skype video now and again!
- Off to the spa today to enjoy a good pre-birthday soak and pampering.
- Weight is coming off occasionally and sporadically. I'm down exactly 59kg, and can't get to 60 to save my life. Probably because I'm doing a fair amount of strength training as well and building lean muscle, which is heavier than fat. At least I can see some reduction in my waist circumference, and am now down about 14 inches. Will need to buy some new pants in DSM!
- Been working with my "new" trainer Casper for about two months now, and he's tough and good. We never do the same routine twice, and he really pushes me to my limits. I've added some extra cardio to try to get the weight moving down as well, but I may have to settle for a much slower drop in weight in return for better overall health and fitness. The scale isn't the be-all and end-all of life. How I feel is. Hopefully I'll start believing that someday soon. :-)
So that's about it for now! I'll try to get back to writing more from now on.
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