Sunday, February 24, 2008

Christo at -33.4kg

Originally uploaded by Krishiqua
A lot of dear friends and family who don't see me regularly have been asking for a recent picture so they can see the "new" me after losing so much weight (33.4kg/74lbs). I don't have a whole body shot (wouldn't really want to share it online anyway!), but here's a good picture Wilbert took of me this afternoon at the beach. I think you should be able to see it in my face. Much more chin, much more cheek and some interesting lines in my face that are starting to betray my age a bit more but were essentially buried under subcutaneous fat before. I'm making good progress... at 44% of my goal, but things are slowing down and I'm going to have to work twice as hard to get the rest of the way. Wish me luck, and thanks for your ongoing support!

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