Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wilbert at the Beach

Originally uploaded by Krishiqua
Today we went for a walk on the beach. Remarkable for two reasons. 1) It was flippin' FREEZING outside by the time we got there, and walking on the beach when it's that cold and windy gives me a serious ear ache, but the crazy Dutch seem to love it, and 2) I have often refused to do this in the past because it always felt really "unsafe" to me because of my size and lack of physical fitness. I would get worried that my back might go out, or I would have to go to the bathroom and there wouldn't be one, or I'd get into a physical situation (like a high sand dune) that I couldn't handle. All pretty much excuses to avoid physical activity (and pain). So today when he asked me I said an automatic "NO!" until I thought about it for a while and realized that old tape doesn't apply anymore. So I said yes, and it was just fine (except for the freezing wind). Reminds me that I'm a new person with new abilities and significantly reduced limitations. Praise God!

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