Thursday, April 20, 2006

Back in the USA!

Well it's been FAR too long since I've written anything here, so my apologies. I've been very busy at work, what with a major corporate takeover, old staff leaving, new staff joining, new line of brochures, bla bla bla. In general life has been good, but I've really been needing a break.

So on Good Friday I flew to Iowa to hang out with my parents for a few days, and had a really enjoyable time of good fellowship (and good Iowa food!). Had some great conversations with my Mom that gave me a lot more insight into my youth, which I always appreciate. The nice thing is that I'll get to see them, as well as my siblings, at my sister's wedding next month in Colorado.

Yesterday I flew to Las Vegas to spend a few days in the Southwestern sun before the National Association of Broadcasters meeting begins next Monday. It's not often I've got to spend any leisure time in Las Vegas by myself (despite being here at least once a year for the last six years!), so I look forward to the next few days.

That's about all for now. Time to clean up and go see what adventures Las Vegas holds for me today!

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