Friday, August 31, 2007

Same-Sex Marriage in Iowa?

Far from a done deal, but a step in the right direction!

Iowa court rules same-sex couples can marry

Story Highlights

  • Six couples file lawsuit in 2005 after they were denied marriage licenses
  • Suit: Denials violated equal-protection, due-process under state constitution
  • District judge rules: Same-sex couples "may not be denied licenses to marry"
  • Court strikes down state law declaring marriage only between man and woman
(CNN) -- An Iowa district court ruled Thursday that same-sex couples can marry based on the state constitution's guarantee of equal treatment, court documents show.

The ruling was in response to a December 2005 lawsuit brought by six same-sex couples seeking to wed. They were denied marriage licenses and claimed such treatment violates equal-protection and due-process clauses in the Iowa constitution.

The court also struck down a state law declaring valid marriages are only between a man and woman.

The Iowa District Court for Polk County advances the case to the Iowa Supreme Court which will make a final decision on same-sex marriage, according to Lambda Legal, a gay and lesbian legal organization representing the couples.

The 63-page ruling, written by Judge Robert Hanson states: "Couples, such as plaintiffs, who are otherwise qualified to marry one another may not be denied licenses to marry or certificates of marriage or in any other way prevented from entering into a civil marriage pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 595 by reason of the fact that both persons compromising such a couple are of the same sex."

The law describing marriage as between a man and a woman, "constitutes the most intrusive means by the state to regulate marriage. This statute is an absolute prohibition on the ability of gay and lesbian individuals to marry a person of their choosing," Hanson wrote.

Lambda says the six couples are all in long-term relationship - one couple has been together for six years, another couple has been together for 17 years.

"Three of the couples are raising children, others are planning families, and all want the responsibilities of marriage and the protections only marriage can provide," according to the organization.

"We respectfully disagree with the court's decision, and we're going to ask for a stay," said Polk County Attorney John Sarcone.

He said his office will examine whether it's best to file a motion to reconsider. But barring a change in the court's opinion, Sarcone will appeal the ruling.

Co-counsel for the plaintiffs along with Lambda Legal, Dennis Johnson called the ruling "a significant step forward in recognizing the constitutional rights of all Iowans, and it's an amazing day for same-sex couples and their families all across Iowa."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Beie lekker, man!

Our friend Hans celebrated his belated birthday tonight with a party celebrated in South African style! Hans was inspired by his holiday trip last year and, as an accomplished cook, he was able to put together a delicious dinner of South African delicacies (non of which I can remember, unfortunately). It was quite impressive! And the company was lovely as well. Thanks for a lovely evening, Hans and co.!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bearforce1: Only in Amsterdam!

Where else could crazy shit like this happen? I can't figure out whether it's the coolest thing I've ever seen or absolute trash. Or both. :-) Enjoy this little postcard from Holland. The big girls are representing!

Big Girls of the World Unite!

You better work, Tyra!

A New Blog Is Born

Instead of boring you lot to death with my endless ramblings about my upcoming weight loss surgery, I've decided to set up a new blog specifically for this topic (since Blog Diversification seems to be all the rage these days, Timo!). It will also be a kind of journal for me and an opportunity to share my experiences with others who are considering going through the same thing. 
The link is on the right side of this page, or click here.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Gastric Banding Surgery Date Finalized!

I've been in preparation for weight loss surgery for more than a year now; following the process of going to my G.P., going to the Dutch Obesity Clinic, getting insurance approval and then going through a group presentation and pre-operative screening. I could have had the surgery already before the wedding, but decided I would much rather enjoy the wedding without being in recovery from the surgery. So this week I went back and had the final consultation with the anesthesiologist and got the final go-ahead for surgery the week of 24 September. I'll get a call the week ahead of time with an exact date. Exciting and scary!

For anyone who doesn't know what adjustable gastric banding is, check out the Wikipedia article on the topic for a good view of what I'll be facing.

I've essentially gotten to the point now where I can survive going to work everyday and minor outings - and even business trips if pressed to - but that it just plain hurts to do any other physical activity because of my weight. My knees are OK, but my hips and my back give me a lot of trouble. And I can't imagine going into my 40's feeling like this... it's just completely unacceptable to me. So I'm going to do something about it, and to tell the truth, I can't wait. As a matter of fact, I've already started altering my eating patterns in preparation for the surgery.

I should lose 2-4 kgs. per month, so next year this time I could be significantly slimmer, and another year after that, I could be pretty close to my goal. which is around 120 kgs., though we'll have to see what I'm looking like closer to the time. I'll have lots of help along the way... not just supportive husband and friends, but a whole team of experts from the Nederlandse Obesitas Kliniek (NOK) in Hilversum, where I'll be getting physical therapy, group therapy, a nutritionist's advice and other aftercare. 

So I'm scared, excited, can't wait, anxious, hopeful, and ready. Wish me luck! It's time to change my life for the better... and for good.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Congratulations, Barry & Richard!

Our most heartfelt congratulations go out to Barry & Richard, who got married this past Tuesday! Another couple of gorgeous men off the open market! :-) We wish you many happy years together, dear friends. We're here to support you in every way we can! And we can't wait for the party!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Welcome, Mr. Miyagi

We went to get our hair cut at Carmen's last night, and she told us about a new sushi place in the new neighborhood being built south of town in a sort of strip mall. We were somewhat incredulous... the sushi place on the town square was closed last year, so we figured Purmerend's tastes weren't sophisticated enough to support another Japanese restaurant. But luckily we we wrong!

mr. miyagi
van damplein 22
1448 nb Purmerend
Tel.: 0299 416 907

It was fantastic... very modern and lots of natural light. The food was great, and the owner, a Dutch-Chinese guy named John, was engaging, friendly and knowledgeable. We'll be spending a lot of time there, and we encourage you to do the same!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Download Our Wedding Album!

Gay Pride Amsterdam

Though I was still at home recovering from the head cold I got this week, and Wilbert was working and came home with the same head cold I had, we followed Amsterdam Gay Pride on the local TV channel AT5, where we were not surprised to see our dear friend and renowned Amsterdam drag diva Miss Donna-tella Williams  (a.k.a. Frank, middle above) with her friends Bellissima la Cantante and Charite Carmen (a.k.a. Paul & John).

This year's biggest news items were the inclusion of a boat of gay and lesbian teenagers 16 years old and younger, a boat of heterosexual supporters, and a boat from the Amsterdam city council.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sick Chicken

Felt a tickle in my throat on Monday night after dinner, and by Tuesday morning it was a full-on head cold. Went into work for an important meeting and a goodbye lunch for an employee on Tuesday, but paid for it by being flat on my back all day yesterday. This morning it's moved into my chest and I'm coughing up all sorts of stuff, but I'm feeling a bit better. Am probably going to try work tomorrow to get some stuff done before taking it easy this weekend. Going stir crazy already. But can't go more than a few hours without having to lie down, and as soon as I lie down, I have coughing fits again. Blech! Can't wait to get better.