Monday, May 14, 2007

Touch Up Update

It's been a rough but bearable weekend, managed with drugs and insane amounts of sleep (hurts/bothers less with your eyes closed, and as long as your eyes are closed. might as well catch a few zzzz's!). Pain/discomfort worst on day 3, better on day 4 (though I can feel my eyes giving up towards the end fo the day). Everything super fuzzy/blurry right now. Am typing this a) because I'm an excellent touch typist, and b) because I'm using Widows Magnifyer and looking at 1-inch tall letters right now). Do it mostly with my eyes closed because I can't stand to have them open for long enough to read a single paragraph. Took a walking trip to the gas pump yesterday with Wilbert to buy cat food, and by the time we were back, my eyes had had enough and it was time to go to sleep. I ramble, but this is my life.

Going back to the doctor in a few hours to see if they will remove this counfoundingly uncomfortable "bandage lenses" from my eyes... condition of which is that the skin layer has fully grown back and closed. Last time they made me wait an additional 4-5 days, which I hated. I'm expecting the same today, but hoping for better. Wish me luck! I just want to get back up on my feet and (curiously enough, sick child that I am) get back to work! Staying at home doing nothing drives me stir crazy.

On the postiive side, wedding plans are going swimmingly, especially with attendance. Favorite people, beloved aunts and uncles and good friends from throughout time and space are all signing on for the party in D.C., while we've got a fabulous crew of people from our life in Holland joining us here, including a few surprises from the more bible-banging side of our family. We are honored to have them and will hopefully teach them a lesson by example.

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