Thursday, September 20, 2007

Surgery Next Monday!

Assuming the supposed case of shingles (which hasn't gotten any worse) doesn't get in the way, then I will be going into Rijnstate Hospital in Arnhem next Monday morning (24 September) at 10 a.m. to start my new life as a skinny person. Am going to the doctor this morning to see if this is really even a case of shingles or not, as I'm beginning to doubt.

Ready for it, want it done and over with, and am so happy to have Wilbert on this journey with me for support (he's great at that!). We're going to stay in a hotel there on Sunday night so that Monday morning doesn't get all stressy with a 2-hour drive, and he'll stay there during my one night in the hospital (knock wood). 

Will update you as soon as results of operation are known! Your prayers would be much appreciated. It's not an inherently risky operation (laparoscopic), all surgery is somewhat risky, and there's a 5% chance it could convert to an open operation (which I'm not sure I want). We're hoping for the best! And for me to be a supermodel by 41. :-)

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