Friday, October 26, 2007


Arrived Tuesday afternoon in Singapore for Global Sales & Marketing Management meeting. Left Amsterdam at 9:30 at night and got in 4:00 the next afternoon after a 12-hour flight on a KLM 777, which was very comfortable. Slept well. 

Singapore is amazing! VERY multi-cultural, VERY Anglo-Asian, VERY modern, and VERY structured, friendly and easy to get around. Love it and will come back. Look it up on Wikipedia if you want to learn about a fascinating place!

iPods are cheap here. Got a 160GB new classic for myself and a 16GB touch for a colleague at work... saved a bundle. Mac OS X Leopard out tonight... will probably go for it despite already having it waiting for me at home. :-)

Keeping pretty well to my diet, though a challenge. Good for me!

Dear friend Barry from Purmerend, KLM flight attendant, arrived yesterday, so we'll hang out after my meeting and all day tomorrow before flying back together tomorrow night! SERIOUS coincidence!

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